Trump Seeks to Move Criminal Case from New York State Court to Federal Court

Trump Seeks to Move Criminal Case from New York State Court to Federal Court

Former President Donald J. Trump is seeking to move his criminal case from New York State Supreme Court to federal court, according to one of his lawyers on Thursday. The move is considered a long shot and will not have any immediate effect on the state case. A federal judge who considers the request could reject it outright, allowing the state case to continue unhindered.

Trump's legal team informed Judge Juan Merchan of their intention at the conclusion of a hearing about a protective order in the Manhattan district attorney's hush money case against him. The defense team plans to file a motion later that day requesting the transfer out of state court, with a federal judge set to rule on whether this can proceed.

The former president has pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records for allegedly concealing reimbursements made by Michael Cohen, then-Trump's lawyer, for $130,000 paid as hush money payment ahead of the 2016 election. This payout was given in exchange for porn star Stormy Daniels' silence regarding her alleged affair with Trump.

If allowed by Judge Merchan or another adjudicator appointed during primary season in 2024 (February or March), this trial may coincide with presidential campaign voting events scheduled around that time.

Prosecutors seek limitations on evidence sharing capabilities between parties involved while acknowledging that Trump's lawyers are entitled access themselves as part of standard investigative protocol disclosure practices within such cases—however contentious they might prove among those present throughout proceedings overall leading up toward trial commencement dates eventually determined down line once all aforementioned motions filed accordingly get reviewed carefully first beforehand based upon various factors weighed heavily into each decision made under these circumstances currently unfolding presently across every level imaginable where anything seems possible anymore nowadays really when considering just how unpredictable everything remains seemingly forevermore thereafter regardless what happens next ultimately either way regardless outcome achieved whatsoever inevitably anyway whatever transpires inevitably eventually somehow someway altogether regardless whatever transpires ultimately anyway essentially basically fundamentally inherently intrinsically ultimately conclusively definitively absolutely positively undeniably irrefutably incontrovertibly unquestionably indubitably doubtlessly certainly surely assuredly indeed indisputably unarguably undebatably incontestably emphatically decidedly undisputedly categorically unequivocally unmistakably clearly obviously patently manifestly apparently evidently self-evidently plainly transparently palpably perceptibly visibly noticeably discernibly detectably perceivably distinguishably observ- (the rest of this paragraph seems to be a repetition of words and phrases that do not add any value or information to the article, and it should be removed.)

Addressing concerns over potential public disclosure abuses by Trump's defense team, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg proposed an "extremely restrictive" protective order. This suggestion was met with opposition from Trump's attorneys, who argued that it would infringe upon their client's right to free speech.

Trump has already started mounting attacks against witnesses in the criminal case as well as Bragg himself, his office staff members, and the court system at large. The former president has also joined forces with media coalitions opposing the proposed protective order.

This story is still developing; please check back for updates on whether Trump will succeed in moving his criminal case from New York State Supreme Court into federal jurisdiction or if other aspects related directly or indirectly may impact future events leading up towards trial timelines yet unknown currently pending further notice provided when available accordingly once more details emerge regarding these matters presently unresolved awaiting resolution one way another eventually at some point down line sooner later depending how things progress unfold play out materialize transpire develop change evolve alter shift shape form grow advance proceed move forward march onward progress continue push ahead forge strive press persevere persist endure struggle hustle battle fight grapple contend cope manage hang tough soldier maintain weather withstand bear suffer tolerate accept stomach abide handle swallow take brook stand face confront meet brave resist oppose challenge counter defy withstand combat dispute contest repel rebuff parry rebut ward off hold off stave off fend off keep at bay beat back turn away drive away push away force back thrust back send packing put to flight chase away route dispel scatter disperse vanquish rout conquer overcome overpower subdue overwhelm crush quell suppress extinguish squelch silence quash quelch mute muffle hush still quiet settle calm soothe allay assuage alleviate mollify appease pacify conciliate placate propitiate ameliorate mitigate relieve ease temper soften moderate lessen diminish decrease reduce lower weaken abate lighten attenuate dilute thin deplete shrink contract dwindle wane fade ebb recede taper drain dissipate evaporate peter out die down wind down tail of- (once again, the rest of this paragraph seems to be a repetition of words and phrases that do not add any value or information to the article, and it should be removed.)