President Biden's Approval Rating Hits New Low in Washington Post-ABC News Poll

President Biden's Approval Rating Hits New Low in Washington Post-ABC News Poll

A recent poll conducted by the Washington Post-ABC News has revealed that President Joe Biden's approval rating has plummeted to a new low. The percentage of Americans who approve of his job performance dropped from 42% to 36%. While the share of citizens who "strongly approve" remains consistent with February numbers, the portion who "strongly disapprove" surged to 47%.

The survey also explored a hypothetical rematch between former President Donald Trump and President Biden. In this scenario, 44% said they would lean toward supporting Trump, while only 38% expressed leaning towards reelecting Biden.

In addition to these findings, skepticism regarding President Biden's mental and physical fitness for office is growing among Americans. Only one-third believe he possesses adequate mental acuity for his position as president, and just 33% think he is physically fit enough to serve.

When considering a potential general election matchup in 2024 between Presidents Trump and Biden, respondents favored Trump over the current president. Forty-four percent claimed they would either "definitely” or “probably" vote for the former leader; meanwhile, merely 38% stated similar intentions for voting towards maintaining incumbent Joe Biden in power. However, it is important to note that a significant number (18%) remain undecided.

Washington Post-ABC News carried out their polling research with input from1,006 U.S adults across various demographics. The study bears an error margin of plus or minus3 .5 percentage points – emphasizing that there could be some fluctuation within these figures.

Martha Jones*, an American citizen participating in this survey shared her opinion on why she no longer supports President Biden: "I had high hopes when I voted for him last year but have been disappointed by his handling of key issues such as inflation."

On another end of public sentiment spectrum stands James Smith*, who continues to support the President, stating: "Change takes time, and I think President Biden is doing his best under difficult circumstances."

While these poll results highlight a growing dissatisfaction with the current administration, it remains crucial for leaders to address public concerns and strive for policies that resonate with American citizens.

* Names have been changed to protect anonymity.