Russian Novelist Zakhar Prilepin Wounded in Attempted Assassination, Driver Killed

Russian Novelist Zakhar Prilepin Wounded in Attempted Assassination, Driver Killed

Russian novelist and political activist Zakhar Prilepin was wounded in an apparent assassination attempt near the city of Nizhny Novgorod on Saturday. His driver was killed during the attack, which has been claimed by a pro-Ukraine opposition group. A native of Ukraine has been detained as authorities continue their search for possible accomplices.

According to state media sources, the explosion occurred on a highway when a previously planted device underneath Prilepin's car was detonated by remote signal. The author sustained injuries but is expected to recover.

In response to this incident, Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for President Vladimir Putin stated that "The Kremlin condemns this heinous act and vows to bring those responsible to justice."

The claim of responsibility from the pro-Ukraine opposition group highlights tensions between Russia and Ukraine since the invasion began. This marks the third attack targeting significant figures within Russia who have connections with or support for its government.

Previously, Vladlen Tatarsky, a prominent pro-Kremlin military blogger known for his staunch defense of Russia's actions in Ukraine, was killed in April after his car exploded under similar circumstances.

Local law enforcement agencies are working closely with federal investigators in order to apprehend any remaining suspects involved with these attacks. Igor Komarovski from Nizhny Novgorod police department revealed: "We have heightened security measures throughout our jurisdiction as we work tirelessly towards identifying those behind these acts."

As investigations into these incidents progress and tension remains high between both countries; increased vigilance is expected among public figures connected with Russian politics or supporting Moscow's policies towards Ukraine.

Zakhar Prilepin is not only renowned for his literary works but also offers outspoken criticism against Western influence over Ukrainian politics through various platforms including social media channels and appearances at public events. It remains uncertain whether this attempted assassination will deter him from continuing to voice his views or further rally support for Russia's actions in the region.