Florida Reps. Gaetz and Donalds Defend Gov. DeSantis Over Leaked Debate Prep Videos

Florida Reps. Gaetz and Donalds Defend Gov. DeSantis Over Leaked Debate Prep Videos

Florida Republican Representatives Matt Gaetz and Byron Donalds have come to the defense of Governor Ron DeSantis after videos from his 2018 debate preparation were leaked, in what appears to be an attempt to damage his reputation. The two men argued that the video clips actually portrayed DeSantis in a positive light as he expressed concern about not wanting to alienate Trump supporters.

Many online commentators agreed that the videos should not have been leaked, with some wishing that DeSantis had pushed back harder against false claims made by media outlets accusing him of making racist remarks towards Democratic opponent Andrew Gillum at the time.

Gaetz responded to the leak on Twitter, stating, "I thought [De Santis] was coming in too hot on this issue." He emphasized that such tapes should remain confidential and condemned their release.

The leaked videos show Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis attempting to address a controversy surrounding a comment he made during his campaign trail in which he warned voters not to "monkey this up" by electing a Democrat with socialist ties. In these newly revealed debate prep sessions, DeSantis is heard expressing fear that this comment would turn into "a mini version of Kavanaugh," referencing then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's contentious confirmation hearings.

In addition, the footage captures discussions concerning conservative commentator David Horowitz's comments on race-related issues. Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who assisted De Santis during those debate preparations, reiterated his disapproval over the leak and insisted that such materials should be kept private.

Byron Donalds echoed similar sentiments regarding privacy concerns for politicians preparing for debates: "These types of leaks are detrimental not only because they violate trust but also because they can potentially create division within political parties."

Despite attempts at discrediting Governor Ron DeSantis through these leaked videos, his defenders maintain that the contents demonstrate his commitment to maintaining a strong relationship with Trump supporters and addressing controversial issues head-on.