Texas Congressman Responds to Gun Control Calls, Points Out Mass Shootings in Blue States

Texas Congressman Responds to Gun Control Calls, Points Out Mass Shootings in Blue States

In the aftermath of Saturday's attack at an outlet mall in Allen, Texas, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) has spoken out against calls for increased gun control measures. Cuellar pointed out that even blue states with strict gun control laws continue to experience mass shootings and urged people to focus on addressing the "root problem" rather than pushing for more restrictions.

Rep. Cuellar commented on the recent incident in his home state and highlighted how stricter gun laws have not proven effective in preventing similar tragedies elsewhere. He emphasized California – a state known for its extensive gun regulations – as an example where even comprehensive legislation has not eradicated active shooter incidents.

"On June 5, 2022, FBI figures showed that California ranked number one in 'active shooter incidents' despite having every gun control measure being advocated by the left," said Cuellar during a press conference. "It is crucial we address the root cause of these violent acts instead of solely focusing on implementing more restrictive measures."

AWR Hawkins, an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, echoed Rep. Cuellar's sentiments about tackling underlying issues contributing to mass shootings.

"As a political analyst for Armed American Radio and Turning Point USA Ambassador, I've seen firsthand how knee-jerk reactions without fully understanding or addressing root causes can lead us down unproductive paths," said Hawkins at a recent panel discussion.

Cuellar believes mental health care should be prioritized over tightening firearm restrictions while also emphasizing education initiatives aimed at reducing violence among young people.

"Taking away guns from law-abiding citizens will not solve this issue; it will only leave them defenseless against criminals who don't abide by our laws," stated Cuellar. "We must invest our resources into mental health services and educational programs designed to teach conflict resolution and promote empathy."

As the debate on gun control continues, both Rep. Cuellar and AWR Hawkins are urging people to avoid simplistic solutions in favor of a comprehensive approach that addresses underlying factors contributing to mass shootings.