WeRide Announces Plans to Develop Next-Level Driverless Technology

WeRide Announces Plans to Develop Next-Level Driverless Technology

WeRide, a leading Chinese technology company, has announced its plans to develop advanced driverless technology with the aim of reducing logistics costs. The company intends to expand the scale of its robobus trials in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, and Guangzhou this year. In addition, Apollo and Pony have received licenses to operate autonomous taxis (robotaxis) in cities such as Wuhan, the capital of central China's Hubei province, and Beijing.

Apart from robotaxis, WeRide also provides innovative technology for robovan and robot street sweeper businesses. These advancements are poised to create significant shifts within the transportation industry by increasing efficiency and lowering overall costs.

The development of new-generation Lidars has been crucial in making these innovations possible. As the cost of this key component in autonomous driving has dropped significantly due to recent breakthroughs in Lidar technology; companies like WeRide can now focus on creating more accessible driverless vehicles.

"We believe that integrating next-level driverless technologies into our existing services will play a vital role in optimizing logistics processes," said Li Zhangwei (李张伟), CEO of WeRide. "Our goal is not only to provide safe and efficient transportation but also contribute towards sustainable urban mobility."

The expansion plans for robobus trials signify an important step forward for both WeRideon their journey towards realizing their vision for smarter transportation solutions across China.

"Our collaboration with Apollo and Pony demonstrates our commitment towards accelerating innovation within the field," added Li Zhangwei (李张伟). "By working together with other industry pioneers like us we hope that we can collectively drive progress on a larger scale."

As more companies continue investing resources into developing advanced autonomous vehicle technologies; it's clear that major strides are being made toward revolutionizing how people travel across cities worldwide. And with organizations like WeRide leading the charge, it seems that a future with safer and more efficient transportation options may not be too far off.