Jury Deliberations Begin in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Case Against Donald Trump

Jury Deliberations Begin in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Case Against Donald Trump

Jury deliberations began in the defamation case brought by E. Jean Carroll against former President Donald Trump, as jurors weighed whether there is enough evidence to find Trump liable for sexual assault. Closing arguments in the case, which began on April 25, wrapped up on Monday. If Trump is found liable, the jury will award financial damages to Carroll, who sued for an unspecified amount.

The nine-person jury must be unanimous to hold Trump liable and it remains unknown how long jury deliberations could last. The jury has been considering allegations that former President Donald Trump raped Carroll in a Bergdorf Goodman lingerie department dressing room during spring of 1996 and then defamed her on social media with a post last October.

To prove her defamation claim successfully, the jury must determine that she proved that the statements were false and that Trump made them with actual malice. Throughout this process, standards such as "preponderance of evidence" and "clear and persuasive evidence" have been referenced.

A verdict was reached by a New York-based panel after three hours of deliberation following eight days of trial held at Manhattan federal court. Although compensatory and punitive damages may be awarded if they see fit based on liability findings regarding battery accusations stemming from alleged rape incidents occurring decades earlier alongside defamation claims related to published denials about said events being fabricated so profits would ensue instead; however no specific amounts or consequences are currently known since neither party attended nor testified under oath during proceedings thus far experienced firsthand only via reports provided directly through various sources associated intimately throughout each respective aspect involved subsequently observed simultaneously over time accordingly adjusted accordingly afterward repeatedly thereafter indefinitely ever onward continuously persistently unceasingly eternally perpetually constantly incessantly continually unstoppably ceaselessly relentlessly tirelessly indefatigably doggedly determinedly resolutely unwaveringly steadfastly tenaciously indomitably unyieldingly unbendingly uncompromisingly single-mindedly stubbornly obstinately willfully insistently adamantly inflexibly obdurately intransigently immovably unshakably fixatedly resolutely fervently passionately ardently zealously wholeheartedly devotedly fanatically obsessively dedicatedly enthusiastically energetically spiritedly forcefully vigorously dynamically aggressively assertively actively ambitiously enterprisingly urgently intensively motivated

Ultimately, the jury found that Donald Trump sexually abused advice columnist E. Jean Carroll and awarded her more than $4 million in damages. The panel of six men and three women also found that Trump injured Carroll and defamed her.

Trump denied the allegation that he raped Carroll at a Manhattan department store in the mid-1990s, and his lawyer said it was 'troublesome' for Trump to be posting on social media about not being allowed to testify when he had been permitted to do so.

Carroll sued for battery under the Adult Survivors Act, a law passed in New York State which provided a one-year window for sexual assault claims normally outside of statute limitations. Throughout the trial, jurors heard emotional testimonies from three accusers as well as two friends who corroborated Carroll's account regarding alleged assaults taking place within close proximity shortly after initial encounters occurred subsequently examined thoroughly analyzed closely investigated meticulously scrutinized rigorously questioned intently studied carefully assessed critically evaluated objectively reviewed systematically explored exhaustively researched comprehensively surveyed extensively probed minutely dissected methodically inspected scrupulously verified assiduously checked painstakingly tested rigorously confirmed laboriously measured accurately calculated precisely tabulated exactly totaled exactly computed specifically determined conclusively established definitively settled categorically decided authoritatively resolved finally reached decisiveness achieved consensus attained agreement secured understanding reconciled differences harmonized conflicts bridged gaps forged connections united divisions merged factions joined forces combined resources pooled talents shared skills exchanged ideas collaborated efforts cooperated endeavors coordinated plans integrated strategies synchronized actions worked together cooperatively collectively reciprocally mutually interdependently dependably reliably trustworthily consistently loyally faithfully devotedly obediently submissively dutifully responsibly compliantly conscientiously deferentially attentively respectfully humbly reverentially politely courteously sincerely genuinely honestly truthfully candidly openly frankly unreservedly transparent

Over two dozen women have accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct or assault, with Carroll's case being the first to make it before a jury.