Kevin McCarthy's Atlas Shrugged Scheme Faces Off with Biden over Debt Ceiling and 14th Amendment

Kevin McCarthy's Atlas Shrugged Scheme Faces Off with Biden over Debt Ceiling and 14th Amendment

In a controversial move, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is attempting to upend the American economy through a scheme called Atlas Shrugged. This strategy draws inspiration from Ayn Rand's 1959 novel of the same name, which features a literary leitmotif that has resonated with many Americans who are disillusioned by government intervention in their lives.

McCarthy and his supporters believe that the time has come for an economic revolution similar to what John Galt, Rand's protagonist, proposes in her novel. With nearly 250 years of American history and the U.S. Constitution on his side, McCarthy has garnered significant support from those who believe he can bring about this change successfully.

However, President Joe Biden is ready to challenge McCarthy's actions as they face off over issues such as the debt ceiling and the interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Some economists worry that if neither party reaches a harmonious compromise soon enough, international markets could be rattled significantly.

Law professor Laurence Tribe offers insight into how President Biden can use Constitutional powers to keep the United States government operating amid concerns surrounding the debt ceiling limit. Tribe suggests that if Congress fails to pass an increase in debt ceiling necessary for covering debts already incurred by congressional spending decisions, both President Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen have authority granted by Constitution itself to continue incurring more debt for paying government bills without any further legislative action required.

According to Professor Tribe: "Biden should declare that when and if these statutory instructions collide with one another – especially when they threaten default on our national obligations or a shutdown of essential federal functions – my highest duty under my oath will be not only 'to preserve but also 'to protect' our constitutional system."

This approach would allow President Biden leverage against legislators like McCarthy seeking radical changes at expense of stability within American economy; it also provides a legal justification for executive action in face of congressional inaction or obstruction. The upcoming weeks will reveal whether Biden and McCarthy can find common ground, or if their standoff will lead to drastic consequences for the American economy and beyond.