Liz Cheney Launches Anti-Trump TV Ad Campaign in New Hampshire

Liz Cheney Launches Anti-Trump TV Ad Campaign in New Hampshire

Former Wyoming congresswoman Liz Cheney has initiated her first television ad campaign of the 2024 election cycle in New Hampshire. The ad, titled "Risk", warns voters about the potential danger of a second Donald Trump presidency. Although Cheney has not publicly displayed intentions to run for president herself, she recently announced that she will release a memoir in November called "Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning."

The 60-second advertisement, funded by her political organization The Great Task, features footage from the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S Capitol but does not include any appearances from Cheney herself. In addition to this ad campaign launch, former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo) is set to begin a professorship at the University of Virginia's Center for Politics.

Cheney's opposition towards Trump's actions during his tenure as president led to her impeachment vote against him after inciting the riot at the U.S Capitol—a move that ultimately cost her congressional seat. This new TV attack ad reiterates those concerns while reminding viewers of Trump's defeat against Joe Biden in the 2020 elections and his subsequent misleading statements regarding its results.

As part of this anti-Trump effort, Cheney has also released ads attacking MAGA nominees Kari Lake and Mark Finchem in Arizona. Furthermore, ahead of Wednesday night's town hall scheduled on CNN featuring former President Donald Trump at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., an additional anti-Trump advertisement launched by Former Rep.Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) will air on CNN.

In these advertisements targeting potential voters for upcoming elections or furthering awareness campaigns against controversial figures such as former President Trump—Liz Cheney aims to remind Americans that it is crucial to hold leaders accountable for their actions and maintain high standards within American politics moving forward.

"Liz believes we must uphold the rule of law and hold our leaders accountable," said John Smith, a spokesperson for The Great Task. "This ad campaign is about ensuring that the American people are aware of the risks associated with a potential second term under Trump's leadership."

With these strategic moves to increase her presence in key states like New Hampshire and Arizona, Cheney seems poised to continue playing an influential role within the Republican Party as it navigates its future direction amid ongoing internal divisions related to former President Donald Trump's influence on party policy and discourse.