Los Angeles Tech CEO Beau Mann Found Dead After Two-Year Disappearance

Los Angeles Tech CEO Beau Mann Found Dead After Two-Year Disappearance

Los Angeles-based tech executive, Beau Mann, who vanished on November 30, 2021, has been found dead in Santa Monica. The founder of digital health app Sober Grid had last been seen at a Seven Eleven near his company's offices. On Monday, Santa Monica police confirmed that human remains discovered in an abandoned apartment building were those of the missing 39-year-old.

Mann's cause of death is yet to be determined as investigations continue. His fiancé Jason Abate shared an emotional message on Facebook: "I cannot move without seeing him," and described Mann as a 'light' devoted to helping others through his work with Sober Grid.

The discovery of Mann's body raises questions among Facebook sleuths about why the dilapidated property had not been thoroughly searched earlier. A video posted online shows the boarded-up complex where he was found.

Sergeant Erika Aklufi from the Santa Monica Police Department told Dateline that foul play is currently not suspected in this case. She urged anyone with information regarding Mann's death to contact Detective Ismael Tavera at 310-458-2256 or the Watch Commander at 310/458-8427.

As founder and CEO of Sober Grid Inc., Beau Mann aimed to support those struggling with addiction by providing telehealth HIPAA compliant services and round-the-clock certified peer coaching within their platform. In response to his passing, Sober Grid wrote a heartfelt post on Facebook remembering him for his "bright smile" and endless energy and compassion."

Prior to disappearing two years ago, Mr. Mann spent Thanksgiving with family members before returning home to Los Angeles where he lived and worked.