Rockland County Officials Criticize Mayor Adams' Plan to Send Migrants to Neighboring Counties

Rockland County Officials Criticize Mayor Adams' Plan to Send Migrants to Neighboring Counties

Rockland County officials have expressed their disapproval of New York City Mayor Eric Adams' proposal to send 340 adult male migrants, who are seeking asylum, to be sheltered in nearby counties. The plan was initiated as a response to the increasing number of asylum seekers arriving in the city, which is reportedly straining New York's shelter system.

Orange County and Newburgh authorities joined Rockland County officials in condemning Mayor Adams' decision. They also criticized the federal government for what they perceive as a "failed immigration policy and inability to control the border."

Fabien Levy, press secretary for Mayor Eric Adams, defended the mayor's approach by urging elected officials from both New York and other parts of the country to "do their part and emulate the humane and compassionate approach New York has taken over the past year." He emphasized that providing assistance during times of crisis should not be limited solely within city boundaries but extended towards wider regions.

However, Rockland County Executive Ed Day shared his concerns about this plan. "We understand that there is a need for additional support due to an influx of asylum seekers," said Day. "But it is crucial that regional planning involves collaboration between all involved parties instead of unilateral decisions made without proper consultation."

Newburgh City Councilwoman Patty Sofokles echoed similar sentiments on behalf of her constituents: "While we recognize our moral responsibility toward those seeking refuge from hardships, we cannot simply accept such decisions without fully understanding how it will impact our communities."

Many local residents have raised concerns about potential strain on resources such as housing availability and social services if large numbers of migrants were placed into their respective counties without adequate preparation or planning.

As tensions continue surrounding this issue among various municipalities across state lines, it remains unclear whether any consensus can be reached regarding how best to accommodate those seeking asylum amidst ongoing debates on immigration policies and border control.