Twitter Announces Major Changes to Direct Messages, Including Encrypted Messaging and Voice/Video Chat

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has revealed a series of significant updates to the platform's direct messages (DMs), including encrypted messaging, voice calls, video chat features, and more. The new features are expected to enhance user experience while providing additional privacy and security options.

According to Musk's announcement, users will be able to reply directly to any specific message within a DM conversation instead of only being able to respond to the most recent one. Additionally, they will have the ability to react with any emoji when responding in private chats.

More notably is Twitter's plan for encrypted DMs – likely aiming at improved security measures in response to Meta’s expansion of end-to-end encryption for its Messenger service. It remains unknown whether these encrypted messages will be limited solely for one-on-one conversations or include group chats as well.

Musk stated that this feature "should" become available on Wednesday but did not provide an exact timeline on other components like voice calls and video chat integration. In his statement regarding these enhancements:

As part of this effort towards increased accessibility among users worldwide, Twitter also plans on archiving inactive accounts and requiring account holders log-in at least once every 30 days; otherwise their profiles may face permanent removal due prolonged periods of disuse.

While promising a slew of exciting changes for both communication methods and user engagement opportunities through such innovative tools as payment support via usernames – it remains uncertain if these services will automatically come enabled by default or require users opt-in upon availability.

Overall though – anticipation grows over how these modifications might reshape global interactions across social media platforms like never before seen; all thanks to Twitter's ongoing commitment towards advancing modern communication techniques while keeping user privacy and security a top priority.