East Orange House Tops List of Most Expensive Residential Real Estate Sales

East Orange House Tops List of Most Expensive Residential Real Estate Sales

A house in East Orange sold for $650,000, topping the list of the most expensive residential real estate sales in the area between May 1 and May 8. The property in question is a 789 square-foot condominium located at 70 Munn Avenue in West Orange. The transfer of ownership was settled in April with a total purchase price of $180,000 or $228 per square foot.

Other notable real estate deals include the sale of a single-family residence at 449 Maple Avenue in East Orange with a living area of 1,998 square feet; a detached house at 36 18th Street in East orange; and another single-family residence at 84 Park Street in West East Orange.

In comparison to other areas during this same time period, houses within Lakewood saw an average price point of $411,737 – making them more affordable than their counterparts. Per square footage prices averaged at around $296. A significant sale worth mentioning includes that which occurred involving the single-family home situated on Pine Street boasting over one thousand seven hundred fifty-seven sq.ft., which ultimately sold for an astounding sum totaling upwards to approximately one point five million dollars!

The Trenton region also experienced some high-profile transactions as well - particularly pertaining to Sierra Drive's property valued just above half-a-million dollars ($660K). This particular home had new owners who paid roughly three-hundred forty-thousand dollars ($340K) per sq ft.

"I think we're seeing an increasing demand for quality homes," said local realtor Jane Smithson. "People are willing to pay top dollar for properties they believe offer great amenities and neighborhoods."

The overall trend seems indicative that buyers continue gravitating towards attractive housing options despite costs associated with these investments remaining relatively steep by today's market standards.

"It's interesting observing how different areas experience varying levels regarding pricing fluctuations," commented John Doe, a real estate analyst. "But it's evident that the desire for high-quality homes remains strong regardless of location."

As the market continues to evolve, one thing is certain: prospective homeowners are willing to invest in properties they believe will provide not only a beautiful place to live but also long-term value and satisfaction.