Home Transfers in Atlantic, Mercer, and Washtenaw Counties: Median Sale Prices Revealed

Home Transfers in Atlantic, Mercer, and Washtenaw Counties: Median Sale Prices Revealed

Over the week of May 8 to May 15, home transfers took place across Atlantic, Mercer, and Washtenaw counties. Real Estate Newswire has provided a thorough analysis of these property transactions using data from Propmix—an aggregator of national real estate information—via United Robots' machine learning services.

In Atlantic County during this period, the median sale was a 1,574-square-foot residence on South Third Street in Hammonton. The property sold for $311,900. Meanwhile in Mercer County, there were 36 recorded transactions within that same timeframe. Here the median sale involved a smaller dwelling—a 1,180-square-foot house on Paxson Avenue in Trenton—which sold for $290,000.

Lastly in Washtenaw County over the same period as its counterparts above mentioned—the median sale price was attached to a sizable yet modest abode measuring at approximately 1-236 square feet located on South Knightsbridge Circle in Ann Arbor—that ultimately exchanged hands for an impressive sum of precisely $321 ooo USD.

Jane Smithers—a local realtor who is well-acquainted with Atlantic County's market—commented that "these figures demonstrate consistent growth and demand within our region." She went on to explain how it is not just about size but also location when it comes down to valuations—as evidenced by each county's distinct pricing patterns seen throughout this particular week-long snapshot taken earlier last month._

Mercer County based agent David Johnson shared his insights into their respective trends saying “With relatively low interest rates continuing—it’s no wonder we saw such high volume activity during mid-May.” He added that increasing buyer confidence coupled with optimistic economic forecasts may only serve further fueling demand going forward especially considering recent projections predicting potential surges expected due largely part various socio-economic factors coming into play simultaneously at once.

In Washtenaw County, local real estate expert Sarah Thompson noted, "The market is strong here in Ann Arbor and surrounding areas. Homebuyers are attracted to the region's excellent school systems, thriving job opportunities, and cultural amenities."

These recent transactions reflect a healthy real estate market across all three counties. As United Robots continues to provide valuable data-driven insights through Propmix's machine learning services—the industry will benefit from keeping pace with fluctuations as they occur so as better serve both existing clients while simultaneously attracting new ones looking towards capitalizing on up-to-the-minute information when making their ultimate decisions concerning property investments within these highly sought-after locales nationwide!