Vice President Kamala Harris Earns More in Book Royalties Than President Joe Biden

Vice President Kamala Harris Earns More in Book Royalties Than President Joe Biden

White House financial disclosures released on Monday reveal that Vice President Kamala Harris earned more than President Joe Biden in book royalties last year. According to the reports, Harris reported earning $41,104 from her 2019 memoir, while Biden's book royalties fell sharply to between $2,500 and $5,000 in 2022.

First Lady Dr. Jill Biden also reported earnings from her literary works. She received between $5,001 and $15,000 for her 2020 children's book "Joey — The Story of Joe Biden," and less than $1,000 from a 2012 children's book.

The financial disclosure reports provide insight into the assets and income sources of the nation's highest office holders. In addition to their respective royalties, the Bidens own investments and holdings worth somewhere between $1.09 million and $2.57 million. They also owe between $250k-$500k on a mortgage for one of their Delaware homes.

In an effort to address his financial needs in 2022, President Biden took out a home equity loan against one of his Delaware houses with M&T Bank for an amount ranging from$15k-$50k.

The couple’s combined income was reported as approximately $611k for 2021 - with pensions annuities investment interest distributions retirement accounts social security making up remainder portions thereof.