Craft Proposes 162-Unit Squirrel Hill Apartment Project at Former Irish Site

Craft Proposes 162-Unit Squirrel Hill Apartment Project at Former Irish Site

Toronto-based developer Craft, best known locally for its successful Mews on Butler townhouse project in Lawrenceville, is pursuing a new multifamily project in Squirrel Hill. The proposed development consists of a 162-unit apartment complex set to be built on the site of the former Irish establishment.

The ambitious project aims to revitalize the area and provide much-needed housing options for residents seeking modern accommodations within the bustling neighborhood. In addition to residential units, the complex will feature various amenities such as communal spaces, fitness facilities, and outdoor green spaces.

"It's an exciting time for us at Craft," said Jennifer Thompson, VP of Development at Craft. "We're committed to creating high-quality living experiences that cater to diverse communities like Squirrel Hill. We believe this latest venture will have an incredibly positive impact on both existing and future residents."

Local community leaders are optimistic about what this development could bring to their neighborhood. Squirrel Hill has long been known for its rich cultural history and strong sense of community involvement.

"Squirrel Hill is always evolving," commented Marcy Goldberg, President of the Squirrel Hill Community Association (SHCA). "Craft's proposal shows they understand our values while recognizing our need for more affordable housing options."

Not everyone shares this enthusiasm; some worry that increased construction might disrupt local businesses or alter the character of their beloved neighborhood.

"I've seen how projects like these can change things quickly," expressed longtime resident Frank DeLuca. "I just hope it doesn't negatively affect our small-town charm."

Jennifer Thompson addressed such concerns by emphasizing that her team would work closely with SHCA and other stakeholders throughout all stages of planning and construction: "It's important we move forward together as partners who share common goals – preserving what makes Squirrel Hill unique while allowing it room to grow."

Though still in early stages – with zoning approvals and permits pending – Craft is eager to move forward on this new venture. If approved, the 162-unit Squirrel Hill apartment project could break ground as early as next year.

As Thompson put it: "We're confident in our ability to create a beautiful, functional living space that not only meets the needs of its residents but also contributes positively to the overall community fabric."